Am I worthy? Ashtanga Workshop w/Greg Tebb
This weekend I attended Greg Tebb Ashtanga Vinyasa workshop at Collierville Yoga Studio. Collierville Yoga Studio is the place to go to get yoga in its truest form. I learned much more than I had bargained for.
Before signing up for the workshop I was intimidated… Greg has practiced for over 30 years. He travels teaching and is the student of Pattabhi Jois and Manju Jois. I shared with my teacher Amy Morse , that I was afraid my practice wasn’t strong enough to attend a MASTER Teacher’s workshop and she reassured me that I would be fine. Yoga is a practice for all. Greg teaches everyone and I had the privilege of seeing this in action when he made sure he offered additional guidance to those who had never practiced before.
I was able to share with Greg that I have been conflicted between teaching and my own personal awareness within my practice. He reassured me that what I was feeling was true. That even if just a little, I have enough of this practice to share and with the assistance of my teachers and the growth of my knowledge, my teaching would grow.
This is what I would like to pass on to those that trust me to lead their practice. We are all connected, from the least to most experienced practitioners, a teacher is always a student.
Greg, thank you for the confirmation. Thank you for being so humble and sharing your knowledge with so many of us.
My understanding of the practice has deepen tremendously. We practiced traditional postures, breathing, mantras and studied the body’s eternal connections and alignment. I know there is still an abundance of learning to come and that is the beauty of the practice. As I go deeper within, I am becoming a stronger, bolder, kinder and truer ME.
Thank you to the amazing practitioners and teachers that I continue to learn and grow from. I am forever grateful. Living yoga on and off the mat