julie spotlight

Student Spotlight: Sharing the Gift of Yoga

As we wind down 2018 and ramp up our “new year, new me” goals, resolutions and intentions for 2019, gather some inspiration from Your Inner Yogi student, Julie Guardado. Read on to learn how yoga has helped this registered nurse, essential oil purveyor, writer and passionate yogi live life with intention both on and off the mat; and how her breath has been her greatest tool to explore herself and share with others.

What is your age group?

I am 46 years old.

How many times a week do you practice?

I practice four to five times a week.

What inspired you to start yoga?

I’ve known I’ve needed yoga in my life. As a hospice RN (registered nurse), I spend a lot of time in my car, then bending over, lifting and helping patients. All the while, feeling stiff. I also have an essential oil business, leading members on wellness education through oils. Yoga’s mind/body/spirit benefits are a key component to all my preaching/philosophy about overall wellness.

What motivates you to continue practicing?

Aside from already feeling the benefits, yoga isn’t a one-time goal to be accomplished. It’s for the continuum of life. I’m already mid-life, I want my body to carry me for another 46 years. I can’t expect to make certain demands on my body now or later in life if I don’t invest the time to teach it a new way. I’m excited about the mental benefits, as well. As a writer, staying open and focused while developing characters or writing something personal can be a mind game. Being open and focused is yoga, whether at the studio or with a pen in hand writing a book. There are too many benefits to list here and even more that I’m not even aware of.

What is your favorite type (class style) of yoga and why?

I’m enjoying Vinyasa Flow because it’s initiated, guided, centered, and followed by your breath—something so simple, yet challenging.

What benefits, if any, have you experienced from your practice?

The other day I ran up the hill at Beale Street Landing. Usually my hips feel like they are tight and squeaking when I run. I ran up, felt so loose. When I reached the top, I threw my leg up on the high railing for a stretch. My husband said, “Wow, you couldn’t do that before!”

We are honored you’ve entrusted in us to lead your practice. Memphis has a great deal of studios. Why us?

I’ve tried many studios throughout the years and never had a desire to return. YIY was different. The moment I walked down its narrow hallway and it opened up to the studio, I knew I had found the yoga place for me. YIY truly feels like a sacred space. The vibe is different. It’s warm, welcoming, non-judgmental. It’s a place where one can take their yoga practice seriously, yet not take themselves in yoga so seriously. I’m having fun with my practice, as I learn what my body can or can’t do.

Considering what you may have learned on your mat in your yoga classes, how would you say you are living yoga off your mat?

Yoga practice is the perfect example on how to live life. On the mat, there are moves you can’t do, there’s imperfection, there’s fear, shaking legs and doubt. Many times (especially as a beginner) all you can do is breathe through it. You keep going back to the simplicity of inhale/exhale. You move through it, get stronger mentally and physically, learn new ways and keep trying. Every life situation is like that. I remind myself throughout the day, when I’m confronted with tough situations or I’m beating myself up about something, that perfection isn’t the goal.  In life and yoga, I have certain expectations. Now, it’s about working toward all of them with patience and consistency.

Affirmations and quotes can play a significant role in one’s yoga practice. What is your favorite quote or mantra?

My favorite quote is by Jen Sincero, “Your faith in The Universe must be stronger than your fear of not getting what you want.” But during yoga, I like using one-word or short mantras. It always changes, depending on what I’m feeling or need. When we set our intention at the beginning of class I may use a person’s name if I’m wishing well for that person. Similar to praying for someone. Other times I choose a word I simply connect with. Yesterday I used the word “moon,” for whatever reason.

If you could describe your yoga journey in three words, what three words would you use and why?

Challenging, humbling, shared.  This is the first time I can say I have a yoga practice. Sticking to any physical activity has always been a challenge for me. Yoga challenges my brain and body; I like that.  Falling over on balance exercises has been humbling (and funny). Sharing space, time and practice with fellow yogis of all levels is a great gift. You learn from everyone. I think the word “shared” goes beyond the studio as well. Out in the world, when life or another person is attempting to get the best of you, and you draw on that breath, that centered-ness, or wait for clarity, you are essentially sharing your yoga practice. The other person just doesn’t know it!

Share the gift of yoga with others – let us know how you’re living your practice on and off the mat during the season of giving. Scroll up and drop us a comment! If you’re looking to create meaningful intentions for 2019, register for Kandace Stewart’s Yoga & Visualization Workshop on December 30th!