Student Spotlight: Gratitude & Practice

COVID-19 has shaken the world but we believe that yoga can help in settling the mind and relaxing the spirit. As anxiety, anger, and frustration can build within us during uncertain times, we want to take a moment to spotlight someone that has taken those frustrations and turned them around – with yoga.

Andrea Wiley has been exploring more of herself within our studio – in person and virtually – and we are excited to share her story.

What is your age group? 

I just turned 40 in March 🙂

How many times a week do you practice? (note: if you don’t practice weekly, please share whatever frequency you find yourself on your mat whether in the studio, at home, doing meditation, self-care, etc.) 

I am practicing yoga 2-3 times a week now that we are in quarantine, and it has been my saving grace. Before this pandemic, I totally let my work/social schedule dictate how often I practiced yoga which was less frequent than it is now. 

What inspired you to start yoga? 

I started taking yoga about 15 years ago to supplement my running workouts and to help stretch me out and maintain my flexibility. I have taken classes on and off ever since because I could always feel the physical benefits but it has only been in the last year and half that I would say I’ve truly started my yoga practice. 

What motivates you to continue practicing? 

My motivation ignited when I came to understand the connection between my movements and my breath, the power my breath has over my mind, and how we are all connected through our breath to one another and all living things. I have always felt most alive and most present when I am out in nature, but yoga continues to deepen that connection even more. 

What is your favorite type (class style) of yoga and why?

I love a faster paced Vinyasa class because I love how the flow pushes both my physical and mental strength, but I also appreciate slower paced, more restorative and meditation classes as well. 

What benefits, if any, have you experienced from your practice?

Yoga helps me maintain flexibility and build strength while clearing my mind and helping to focus. It’s how they all work together to bring balance to my life on and off the mat.  

We’re honored you’ve entrusted us to lead your practice. Memphis has plenty of studios. Why us?

I discovered YIY when I moved Downtown and it was 2 blocks away from my apartment, but I kept coming back because it was like no other yoga community I had experienced in Memphis. I found a warm, welcoming place that radiates positive energy and reflects the world that I live in with all kinds of beautiful people with various nationalities, genders, races, backgrounds, and professions. I really thought that only middle-aged, white women did yoga until I came to Your Inner Yogi – I am so glad that isn’t true! 

Considering what you may have learned on your mat in your yoga classes, how would you say you’re living yoga off of your mat?

I definitely tend to get in my head about things I cannot control and I obsess on how to fix them even though I know I can’t. Yoga has taught me that when I find myself in that place, I can always go back to my breath to help me return to the present. When I practice yoga and/or meditation regularly, I find myself in that dark place less often. 

Affirmations and quotes can play a significant role in one’s yoga practice. What is your favorite quote or mantra?

Gratitude In, Anger Out. Gratitude In, Anxiety Out. 

If you could describe your yoga journey in three words, what would they be and why?

Practice. Practice. Practice. Because it is the regular practice that nourishes my mind, body and spirit and the more I practice the more I learn about myself and world around me.