Student Spotlight: Intentional, Inspirational & Invigorating
Since COVID-19, the world has been forced to face the realities of uncertainty. During these times of uncertainty, support and resources have been more important than ever to gain a steady footing and keep going. Although support comes in many forms, the two that seem to be the most essential for many have been financial and emotional.
We have been honored to witness Renee Bailey taking on the challenge of being a consistent and reliable support. Renee is active in efforts in supporting the community and shares her journey virtually by highlighting her lifestyle, healthy recipes, partnerships with local businesses, and inspiring others to follow suit.
Renee Bailey has been inspirational in spotlighting new possibilities and the joy in supporting herself and the community during these trying times. We are excited to share her story and encourage you to follow her on IG @divacpa.
What is your age group?
I’m realizing that I’m at the tail end of being considered a “young professional” with the recent celebration of my 35th birthday! Luckily, I have a feeling that I’ll always be young at heart!
How many times a week do you practice?
I practice 3x a week on average and try to mix in other activities such as cycling, walking, and my newest quarantine addition of roller skating!
What inspired you to start yoga?
I admittedly started out as a person that wrote yoga off. “It’s so slow, so quiet, how boring!” I had preconceived notions before even stepping foot onto a mat. After suffering a knee injury from a lot of pavement running, yoga was suggested to me and I fell in love after my first session! The things I initially despised about it, ended up being things that I love about the practice!
What motivates you to continue practicing?
In this day and age, there’s always something going on. Even in the world of Covid, I (like many others) find myself still very busy and continuously plugged into some form of technology. Yoga allows me to step away and quiet my mind. Sometimes I practice with soft neo-soul music, and other times I just practice with the sounds of nature. Practicing yoga is a constant reminder of the importance of being and staying grounded, and works wonders on the days I’m feeling overstimulated. Yoga is one of those things that you can take with you anywhere and you don’t need a lot of extra “stuff”. In my years of practicing, every time I fall off, it’s easy for me to jump right back in and pick up where I left off!
What is your favorite type (class style) of yoga and why?
Whew, that’s hard to narrow down. If I have to choose one, I’m going to go with Hatha Yoga because it allows for a deeper stretch, more stillness, and a greater focus on the present. Vinyasa yoga would definitely come in second place though!
What benefits, if any, have you experienced from your practice?
I could talk forever on the benefits as I’ve been practicing for about four years now (give or take). I have benefited tremendously from the breathwork involved in the practice as it is something I’ve used in other fitness activities, meditation, and even just at my seat when days find themselves to be shitty. I’ve also benefited from the people that I have come into contact with through yoga. These have been some of the most down-to-earth, warm-spirited people I’ve met in life. Yoga has also pushed me to focus on self-care a lot more and that’s something I will forever appreciate!
We’re honored you’ve entrusted us to lead your practice. Memphis has plenty of studios. Why us?
In most things when you have to compare, it comes down to the people. All studios are not created equal. YIY not only has a bomb-ass owner, but YIY also accepts people as they are and for who they are in a completely welcoming & judge-free way. I enjoy being in non-cookie cutter spaces that are truly inclusive and that’s YIY for me!
Considering what you may have learned on your mat in your yoga classes, how would you say you’re living yoga off of your mat?
I’m living yoga off of my mat by being mindful and understanding the energy I give and take in.
Affirmations and quotes can play a significant role in one’s yoga practice. What is your favorite quote or mantra?
Not sure if this can be considered an affirmation or a mantra but my favorite quote is to “breathe”. I even have the words “inhale & exhale” on canvas in my work/study/fitness room at home as a visual reminder. Breathing is physically important but also vital to the mind and the spirit.
If you could describe your yoga journey in three words, what would they be and why?
If I could describe my yoga journey in three words, they would be
1) Intentional: Yoga has to be something I chose to do, otherwise I don’t get the full benefit. I’ve learned not to force it for the sake of sticking to a particular schedule. When I set my intentions on the mat and decide to fully be there (mind, body, and soul), I get the most out of my practice.
2) Inspirational: Yoga has been inspirational as I watch my body learn to move in ways I never thought I’d be able to. It brings me joy to see the progress I make along the journey.
3) Invigorating: Yoga gives me energy and also makes me stronger physically and mentally. I always feel enlightened after a yoga session.