Student Spotlight: Yoga on and off the mat
In celebration of National Yoga Month #nationalyogamonth, we’re spotlighting one of our inspiring yogis who has recently moved but will always be a part of our YIY family: Alison Fitzgerald. Alison is an engineer who moved to Memphis for work over a year ago. After her first class, she dove in head first, wanting to experience all yoga has to offer and discovered yoga on and off her mat. She’s a true inspiration to all. Read on and see for yourself!
What is your age group? I am 23 years old.
How many times a week do you practice? I practice four to five times a week.
What inspired you to start yoga? I had just moved to Memphis, and I knew absolutely no one outside of my office. I wanted to get to know my community better and a friend recommended that I try a yoga class to meet other people but also exercise a little. I also stress out pretty easily, so I knew I needed to incorporate yoga as part of my wellness routine.
What motivates you to continue practicing? I always feel so much better after practicing. I like getting to know my body’s boundaries and that feeling of reward that comes from pushing myself in a new pose. Also, all my stresses and worries feel so much more manageable after I practice.
What is your favorite type (class style) of yoga and why? I have recently started to enjoy Vinyasa Flow because it can be adapted to whatever level of difficulty I need that day and it’s still very challenging. I like that it focuses on the breath and pushes me to get out of my head! I also like that it challenges me physically.
What benefits, if any, have you experienced from your practice? I once had a yoga teacher say that it everyone did more hip openers, the world would be a happier place. Like so many others, I store my stress and tension in my hips and shoulders. Practicing yoga regularly has given me the self-awareness to remedy that. Through breathing exercises and poses, I am able to release a lot of the tension that I store. I am so much happier for it!
We’re honored you’ve entrusted us to lead your practice. Memphis has a great deal of studios. Why us? I am so fortunate that YIY was the first yoga studio I ever tried. I picked it for the location, but I stayed because the space is just so peaceful and positive. Everyone is friendly and welcoming and I made some really great friends at the studio. Also, each instructor is so different, so there really is something for everyone and every stage of practice. Sometimes you just need Gene’s fast paced yoga-pilates class and sometimes you need Kim’s Yin Restorative class!
Considering what you may have learned on your mat in your yoga classes, how would you say you’re living yoga off of your mat? Instructors always say yoga isn’t just an “exercise”. At first, I didn’t really believe them but then I found myself adjusting my posture at my desk or practicing deep breathing during stressful times. I love that you can experience the benefits of yoga at every stage in life and you don’t need to be on a mat to practice. After one year of consistent practice, I feel like I’m able to handle change so much better.
Affirmations and quotes can play a significant role in one’s yoga practice. What is your favorite quote or mantra? It totally depends on where I am at that day. Sometimes I will focus on strength or peace during a class because that’s what I feel like I’m lacking in. Sometimes I borrow whatever affirmation the instructor shares with the class. I always try to feel grateful for the ability to roll out my mat and practice.
If you could describe your yoga journey in three words, what would they be and why? Strength, peace, and community. Those were the three reasons I started practicing yoga and the three reasons I keep on practicing.