Teacher Training

YIY Teacher Training Program
SPRING 2025 | MARCH 8 – DECEMBER 7, 2025
Special Discount: If you sign up by Jan 20, 2025. Total Investment $3,000. Available with Payment
Registration is closed on February 21, 2025
Tuition Discount:
- Early Bird Discount: $3300 by January 24th (4 weeks before the registration deadline) Discount Code: YTTEarlyBird2025 Available with Payment
- Regular Tuition Discount: $3500 by Feb 7th (2 weeks before the registration deadline) Discount Code: YTTRegDiscount2025 Available with Payment
- Regular Tuition: $3700 Available with Payment or complete after the registration deadline
Registration is closed on February 21, 2025
The YIY Yoga Teacher Training Program celebrates many styles that have evolved from the ancient practice of yoga. Whether your passion is for a rigorous vinyasa or restorative practice, this teacher training certification program provides you with the tools to bring your passion to others. This program is also perfect for the individual who wants to delve deeper into their yoga practice. Learn the philosophy behind the poses and much more!
Our Yoga Alliance-credentialed 200 hour YTT will be led by Bridget Sisney, Caroline Collins, Kandace Stewart, Libby Campo, and guest teachers. Together, they will offer a beautiful blend of knowledge, experience, and expertise in teaching and living yoga on and off the mat. This 200-hour YTT will prepare you for the role of a Certified Yoga Teacher and help you deepen your personal practice whether or not you plan to teach.
We encourage you to contact us to schedule a call with a trainer for an information session to ask questions, get an overview of the curriculum, availability, and payment options. Experience what makes our program unique!
About the Program
Training Description
In this 12-module curriculum, you will learn all the aspects of Yoga Teacher Training and the skills needed to become a teacher.
Upon completing this program, Trainees will understand the 8 Limbs of Yoga, how to develop an effective and safe class, understand what it means to be a Yoga Teacher, have exposure to Ayurveda and Chakras, and much more!
Each class includes meditation and pranayama practices. The 6-hour day includes an opening Asana practice. This in time, will be the time-slot for Trainees to practice teaching. This curriculum allows for Trainees to get in front of the class very quickly, to start vocalizing and hearing their voice as a teacher. This will include rotating thru students, leading meditation, pranayama, and asana.
Trainees start building a toolbox of meditations and sequences throughout the program. When they leave the program, they will feel comfortable leading a class through Asana, Meditation, and Pranayama. They will also practice hands-on adjustments and cueing throughout the program.
BONUS: Trainees will receive discounted and complimentary group classes and workshops during the duration of Yoga Teacher Training.
Training Schedule
The 2025 YTT will take place from March 8 – December 7, 2025. We will meet approximately twice a month over 16 weeks, consisting of 8-hour classes Saturday (in-person) and Sunday (Via zoom) 11:00 – 7:00 p.m.
The schedule is outlined as follows*:
- Week1 March 8th & 9th
- Week2 March 22nd & March 23rd
- Week3 April 12th & 13th
- Week4 April 26th 27th
- Week5 May 17th & May 18th
- Week6 May 31st & June 1st
- BREAK June Study & Practice Integration
- Week7 July 12th- (Ayurveda Workshop) & 13th
- Week8 July 26th & 27th
- Week9 August 9th & 10th
- Week10 August 23rd & 24th
- Week11 September 13th & 14th
- Week12 September 27th & 28th
- Week13 October 11th & 12th
- Week14 October 25th & 26th
- Week15 November 8th & November 9th (Exam Day)
- WORKSHOPS: Chakras November 15th & Business of Yoga November 16th
- Week16 Graduation Weekend December 6th & 7th
Attendance Policy:
Our program expects students to be on time for class, after breaks, and after lunch. Please let our faculty know if you will be late.
Illness Procedure: Must contact Program Director at least 60 minutes before class begins.
Missed Class Students are encouraged to have 100% attendance. However, we understand that students have important commitments outside of the classroom. Should extenuating circumstances impact attendance, students are permitted to miss class, provided they work with the program director to make up any missed hours. These hours need to be made up with a Lead Teacher. Students are responsible for rescheduling missed hours to make up any course material they have missed.
If a student needs to miss any training session, he or she must speak to the program director before the beginning of the session. Absences may be made up if we have available teacher trainers and school openings at the rate of $60 per hour. Students recognize that, if they miss training hours that they have not made up, they will not graduate from the program.
Excused absences are legitimate issues such as illness, work conflict, family issues. 1 -5 excused absences require a meeting with Lead Teacher, charged at their hourly rate. After 5, Trainee will be put on probation. There are no refunds due to extended absences. After 3 unexcused absences, trainee will be put onto academic probation. There are no refunds under these circumstances.
Book & Subscription Requirements
The following Books & Subscriptions are required for the training. Books can be ordered on Amazon or at b-ok.org.
- The Heart Of Yoga by T. K. V. Desikachar
- Light On Yoga by B. K. S. Iyengar Edition with white cover, orange sun
- Power Yoga by Beryl Birch Bender (not Beyond power yoga)
- Yoga: Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness by Erich Schiffman
- Teaching Yoga by Donna Farhi
- Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson
Your Yoga Business: Tools and Techniques for Success by Ava Taylor
- Participants are also asked to sign up for a YogaGlo account. The first month is free. You will be assigned one specific practice a week.
- Muscle & Motion Yoga App:Create Account
Anatomy online manual: Fill out Workbook: Tadasana and Core Asana ideal
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct Policy Statement
The Your Inner Yogi Code of Conduct is a declaration of acceptable ethical and professional behavior by which all registrants agree to conduct the teaching and business of yoga.
Student Responsibilities
- Individuals will fulfill their academic responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner.
All students have a responsibility to maintain the academic integrity of Your Inner Yogi and each student must at all times keep in mind that his or her behavior reflects not only upon him/herself, but upon other students, the faculty, and the Your Inner Yogi, as a whole. Each and every student is responsible for becoming familiar with and abiding by the Your Inner Yogi policy on plagiarism and academic honesty as well as the guidelines and policies established by their instructors and programs of study.
- Individuals will respect and foster the academic endeavors of others.
The Your Inner Yogi exists to promote learning, and as such, students must behave in such a way so as to allow the process of learning to take place by group or individual.
Examples of violations include, but are not limited to: harassment of a faculty member; disrupting teaching or learning; excessive noise that disrupts classes, studying, or Your Inner Yogi activities; other activities that seriously disrupt the educational process.
- Individuals will respect the integrity of the academic and administrative records.
Those records are the property of the Your Inner Yogi and must be treated as such.
Examples of violations include, but are not limited to: acting alone or with others to misrepresent academic status, performance, awards, or graduation material; omitting material from or manipulating records; falsifying, altering, stealing, or destroying Your Inner Yogi documents; altering, forging, or misusing Your Inner Yogi academic records; obtaining grades, course access, awards, or endorsements dishonestly; computer fraud.
- Individuals will adhere to all policies and regulations of the Your Inner Yogi system along with federal, state, and local laws that govern individual actions and relationships among community members.
When students accept admission to the Your Inner Yogi, they accept the responsibilities that go along with membership in the Your Inner Yogi community. The Your Inner Yogi complies with federal, state, and local laws, and expects students to act in accordance with the law. The Your Inner Yogi holds students to high standards of conduct and ethical behavior, which may exceed legal obligations.
- Individuals will demonstrate civility towards others in all their interactions.
As a member of the Your Inner Yogi community, all students owe to their fellow students, as well as to the faculty, staff and other members of the community, a basic level of respect; and students have a right to be treated with respect as well. Your Inner Yogi respects and protects the right of students, faculty, staff and visitors to engage in argument, to advance their opinions and beliefs without fear of reprisal or punishment, and to disagree with one another provided that the exercise of those rights takes place within a context of civility and respect for others.
- Individuals will show respect for personal, all franchisees and Your Inner Yogi Program property.
As a member of the Your Inner Yogi community, all students will recognize, value, and appropriately regard personal, franchisee and Your Inner Yogi property.
- Individuals will contribute to a safe environment within the Your Inner Yogi
The Your Inner Yogi is a community and requires the active participation of all members in keeping the community peaceable and safe. Students are encouraged to respect and be proactive about their own safety and the safety of others.
- Individuals will comply with the Your Inner Yogi in enforcing its administrative responsibilities.
Successful operation of the Your Inner Yogi requires adherence to policies and procedures by its members. It is the responsibility of all Your Inner Yogi students, staff, and guests to cooperate at all times with the Your Inner Yogi in order to maintain a safe environment.
- Individuals will conduct themselves in a professional and conscientious manner.
This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that one lives up to any commitments that are made to other students or to the public, and ensuring that my practices and behavior conform to the representations I make about myself out as a yoga practitioner who adheres to certain precepts.
- Once certified as a Yoga Teacher, the individual will acknowledge the limitations of my skills and scope of practice and where appropriate, refer students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment or direction.
- Individual will encourage diversity by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitation, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
- Respect the rights, dignity and privacy of all classmates.
- Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual harassment or harassment based on other legal protected characteristics.
- Individuals will adhere to traditional yoga principles as written in the yamas and niyamas.
- Individuals will follow all local government and national laws that pertain to learn and teaching yoga and its business practices.
The student conduct system promotes and enforces the “Statement of Student Responsibilities” policy following a philosophy of educational discipline. Through involvement in the adjudication process, students have an opportunity to learn new ways of resolving difficulties and relating to others while strengthening their comprehension of rules and regulations necessary to maintain a safe environment conducive to learning and growth.
- A Student who is in violation of the Codes of Conduct will meet with the Lead Teacher. The Student will have the opportunity to explain their actions. If found they were in violation, depending on the severity of the violation, they will either have a warning and return to the program. If, severity is significant enough, the student can be expelled.
- Schools have 48 hours upon becoming aware of the violation, to in writing, contact the Student that there was a violation. Within 7 days, there must be a meeting between Lead Teachers and Student to determine severity of the violation and its consequences.
- Each student is responsible for knowing and adhering to the prescribed community standards. A student found to have violated the “Statement of Student Responsibilities” policy will receive a maximum disciplinary sanction of expulsion, or any sanction not less than a warning.
- Disciplinary action is cumulative and progressive resulting in more serious consequences if the student engages in repeat violations or fails to follow through with sanctions from a previous hearing.
- Any violation of the “Statement of Student Responsibilities” policy is aggravated in severity when bias motivation is involved.
Refund Policy
Refund Policy
Before start of Training: 100% refund of Tuition less application fee and deposit
of $450.
After start of Training: 75% refund* after within 1st week of start date
50% refund if cancel within 2 weeks of start date
25% refund if cancel within 3 weeks of start date
All subject to non-refundable $450 application fee and deposit.
If your application is rejected, you will receive a full refund of all tuition, fees, and other charges. You will be entitled to a full refund of tuition, fees, and other charges if you give written notice that you are cancelling your contract within five business days after the contract or enrollment agreement is considered effective. A contract or enrollment agreement will be presumed to effective on the date of that the institution notifies you that you have been accepted into the institution and you have signed the contract or enrollment agreement. If the notification of acceptance into the institution is sent by mail, then the effective day of being accepted is the postmark on the acceptance letter.
This five-day refund policy applies regardless of when the program starts. If you give notice more than five days after you signed the contract, but before the start of the program (or first lesson for an online distance education program), you will receive a refund of all tuition, fees, and other charges minus 15%, up to $50, of the total cost of the program. You will be provided a prorated tuition, fees, and other charges refund minus a 25%, up to $100 administrative if you provide written notice of your withdrawal after your program has begun, but before 75% program has completed. If you withdraw from your program after 75% of the program has completed, you are not entitled to a refund of tuition, fees, and other charges.
You will receive written notice acknowledging your withdraw request within 10 business days after receipt of the notice and you will receive a refund of any tuition, fees, and other charges within 30 business days of receipt of your withdrawal. Written notice is effective of the date of the postmark if sent by mail or the day it has been hand-delivered to the institution. If you do not withdraw in writing or contact the institution about your absence, and you have not attended your program for 21 consecutive days, you will be considered to have withdrawn from the school as of your last date of attendance. Institutions must include this clause if your institution’s student catalog, contract, or enrollment agreement includes a separate statement on the fair market of the equipment and any of the equipment can be reasonably resold.
Program Pricing
Your commitment requires a deposit of $450 and all payment options begins January 2024.
All payment plan rates are adjusted once deposits are processed.
- Pay In Full
Special Discount: If you sign up by Jan 20, 2025. Total Investment $3,000.
12 Modules Designed to:
- Learn Yoga Teacher Best Practices
- Understand the 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Vocalize & Hear Your Voice as a Teacher
- Build a Toolbox of Meditations & Sequences
- Access to Ayurveda, Chakras, Meditation & Pranayama
- Bonus: Discounted & Complementary YIY Workshops and Group Classes Teacher Training
- 9-payment Plan
Every Month
12 Modules Designed to:
- Learn Yoga Teacher Best Practices
- Understand the 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Vocalize & Hear Your Voice as a Teacher
- Build a Toolbox of Meditations & Sequences
- Access to Ayurveda, Chakras, Meditation & Pranayama
- Bonus: Discounted & Complementary YIY Workshops and Group Classes Teacher Training
- 16-payment Plan
Every 2 Weeks
12 Modules Designed to:
- Learn Yoga Teacher Best Practices
- Understand the 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Vocalize & Hear Your Voice as a Teacher
- Build a Toolbox of Meditations & Sequences
- Access to Ayurveda, Chakras, Meditation & Pranayama
- Bonus: Discounted & Complementary YIY Workshops and Group ClassesTreacher Training