Gratitude: A By-product of Meditation
Marketing GratitudeWe live in an era of gratitude journals and home décor prompting us to give thanks. Marketing teams have converted the human thought and emotion of “gratitude” into a product. Catchphrases that include words of gratitude, gratefulness, and thankful
Ayurvedic Tips to Transition Into Autumn
“And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep, and autumn was awakened.” Raquel Franco As Autumn approaches, we may notice the subtle changes happening all around us. Entering more into Vata dosha’s governance, the governance of
Pose More, Stress less
In the height of an era where everyone claims to have the fast and easy fix to all ailments, there is one in particular that is virtually impossible to completely do away with. Of course, I am talking about Stress.
Try this Ayurvedic Staple for a Wellness Boost this Winter
According to Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, certain foods can help balance seasonal attributes that may throw our minds and bodies off kilter. Cold temps, damp weather and grey skies can take a toll on our mood and energy level during
Riding the Wave with Yoga Nidra
“Riding the wave” isn’t just a term for surfers. Practicing Yoga Nidra activates the relaxation response and shifts the brain from its active beta-state to its more relaxed and balanced alpha-state. The more time we spend riding those alpha brain-waves,
To Eat (Before Yoga) or Not to Eat? That is the Question.
It may not be quite as old as the chicken or the egg debate, but if you ask around you'll get very mixed opinions on whether or not to eat before coming to your mat. Ancient yoga texts encourage practicing